Tax Litigation Services

Search and Survey Proceedings

  • Managing post-search and survey procedures, guiding assessee(s) through statements, retractions, and restraint orders until the completion of the appraisal report.
  • Handling assessment proceedings under sections 153A, 153C, and Section 148 in connection with search operations.
  • Obtaining seized material and copies of search-related documents to challenge search and assessment proceedings.
  • Securing release of seized items, including jewelry, cash, and documents.

Investigation Proceedings under Income Tax and Black Money Act

  • Managing investigation proceedings for various clients under Income Tax, Black Money Act, and foreign asset related investigations.
  • Conducting file analysis and compiling a list of potential exposure.
  • Developing strategies to eliminate or minimize consequences on exposure.
  • Coordinating the closure of proceedings or maintained proceedings as pending.

Appellate Proceedings before CIT(A)

  • Preparing Grounds of appeal, statement of facts, and related documents for filing.
  • Drafting appeal materials, such as Written submissions, case law summaries, and paperbook, for submission before CIT(A).
  • Assistance in filing additional evidence and ground applications and preparing supporting documentation.
  • Arguing before CIT(A) in both physical and virtual modes.

Handling Assessment and Reassessment Proceedings

  • Responding to basic or specific questionnaires issued by the Department.
  • Drafting responses to show-cause notices, filing both legal and factual objections.
  • Arguing personal hearing in both physical and virtual modes.
  • Crafting points on facts and law in preparation for appeal proceedings.

Appellate proceedings before ITAT

  • Preparing Grounds of appeal and related documents for filing.
  • Drafting appeal materials, including Synopsis, case law summaries, and Paperbook for submission before ITAT.
  • Handling the complete preparation for representation before ITAT.

Preparations for Writs on technical points before High Courts

  • Identifying key aspects for Writs based on legal, technical points and judicial precedents.
  • Preparing comprehensive cases for Clients, encompassing both factual and legal elements, for filing Writs before the High Court.
  • Assisting lawyers in the filing and admission process of Writs.
  • Coordinating with legal teams during proceedings, providing support on both factual and legal points.

Other Proceedings under Income Tax Act

  • Securing stays of demand from AO/ Addl. CIT/ CIT in response to demand notices under section 156.
  • Preparing and submitted responses to penalty notices under sections 271(1)(c), 270A, etc.
  • Preparing rectification under section 154 of the Act against intimations under section 143(1) and orders under section 143(3)/147.
  • Managing the appeal effects of CIT(A) and ITAT orders.
  • Obtaining tax refunds and deletion of demands from AO.
  • Conducting reviews of income tax returns and computations, providing strategic tax planning recommendations.